So finally today we had time to start decorating for Christmas. Søren and Christine put up the Christmas tree while I was working yesterday. So today I decorated the big tree and when Christine came home from school, we decorated her tree together. Normally I would have decorated for Christmas on December 1st, but I have been way to busy to get started. So tomorrow I have work, and then Wedensday and Thursday I need to be done with all the decorating, and hopefully buying gifts too :)
Christmas we are spending at home. On the 24th Søren's aunt, uncle and their three kids and one grandchild are coming here to celebrate Christmas.
It will be fun.
I still love my job. My boss is just the sweetest, and we work so well together. I don't work so much during winter, but it works perfect for me.
Christine is still happy to go to school, and she is reading and writing so well. Love hearing her read to me. Still miss listening to her speaking English, but she is watching a lot of English movies right now, and it helps a lot. She is totally into horses. She loves her riding lessons, though she is a little scared after falling of twice within a month. But she is doing good, and she is really good at telling her riding teacher when she is scared, and when she is not feeling comfortable doing things. Sunday December 16th we are all going to watch the kids ride, and some of the other kids jump on their horses. It is some Christmas program they have and it will be a fun day.

Our Christmas tree is up and decorated.

Christine decorating her Christmas tree.

All decorated and lights on.