torsdag den 12. juli 2012

Activity week in Ingstrup.

The week from Sunday July 1st and until July 8th we have this fun week here in Ingstrup. The first Sunday they start out with a bike race. They are raising money for projects in Ingstrup. Monday to Friday they have activities each evening, both for kids and adults. That would be like soccer games, beach volley and lots of other fun stuff. Saturday they have a huge party in the evening, with around 200 people. The last Sunday they have activities all day. We went up there almost every evening. Saturday Christine played soccer, and Sunday her team made a show there. All in all a busy but super fun week.. Love living in a small community :)

Christine playing soccer.

Christine watching the goal.

Christine and her soccer team.

Getting a medal though they lost.

Proud of her medal.

Christine in line for their show.

And JUMP! :)

Midsummers eve.

On June 23rd it was midsummers eve. We had invited some of Søren's family and some of my family over for a cookout. We grilled chicken, pork and hotdogs. It was a fun evening. And as the tradition goes, we had a bon fire in our backyard with a "witch" on top of it. The weather was not coorperating that evening, but after lots of waiting we got the fire going.. Around 11pm the fire was ready to bake bread on a stick on it. Not very tasteful, but lots of fun to make :)

The "witch".... Oooohhhh my.... Mistake.... This is Christine ;)

So here is the "witch"..... Oooh no.... Mistake again :) Here is Molly ;)

Well now we are getting there :) Yes that was right... This is my home made witch ;)

Christine and our neighbor girl playing...

The fire is on... Well at least one side is burning :)

And she is gone.

Christine, Sebastian and Søren messing with the fire..

Christine playing.

Baking bread.

onsdag den 11. juli 2012

Kindergarten is over.

Christine's year in kindergarten is over. It has been a fun, but also busy year here in Denmark. I cannot believe it has been more than a year since we left the US. Here is a little from the last month in Kindergarten.
In the beginning of June Christine's school had this sleepover on a little Island called Livø. Parents came too, and we brought our tent for the sleepover. It rained both days there, but both parents and kids had lots of fun.
One of the last days of school Christine and her classmates were invited to their teacher's home. They had lots of fun playing and treasure hunting. I know Christine will miss having Jette as her teacher when she moves up in first grade after the holiday.

Singing around the fire on Livø.

Eating supper.

The kids had fun on Livø despite the rain.

Søren and Christine in our tent.

Playing a ball game. And I'm so ready to run.

The girls in Christine's class.

Goodbye Kindergarten... Hello first graders :)

The whole class with their sweet teacher Jette.