On June 23rd it was midsummers eve. We had invited some of Søren's family and some of my family over for a cookout. We grilled chicken, pork and hotdogs. It was a fun evening. And as the tradition goes, we had a bon fire in our backyard with a "witch" on top of it. The weather was not coorperating that evening, but after lots of waiting we got the fire going.. Around 11pm the fire was ready to bake bread on a stick on it. Not very tasteful, but lots of fun to make :)

The "witch".... Oooohhhh my.... Mistake.... This is Christine ;)

So here is the "witch"..... Oooh no.... Mistake again :) Here is Molly ;)

Well now we are getting there :) Yes that was right... This is my home made witch ;)

Christine and our neighbor girl playing...

The fire is on... Well at least one side is burning :)

And she is gone.

Christine, Sebastian and Søren messing with the fire..

Christine playing.

Baking bread.
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