søndag den 12. august 2012

News :)

The summer holiday is over. Christine is starting school tomorrow, Monday, and she is really looking forward to it. Saturday we went to Aalborg, to look at a new sofa, and to buy a new backpack for school. We ended up with two new chairs instead, and of course Christine got her backpack, a lego one with a horse on it. She also got a little desk, where she can sit and do her homework :)
During the last 3 weeks Søren and his dad have been working on our house. It is starting to look really good. Christine and I painted Christine's playhouse red with white window and door. It looks good now.
Don't know if I told you already, but before the summer holiday, Christine's best friend Iben moved to another city, where she starts school. It was hard on Christine as she once again "lost" her best friend. But she is doing good, and luckily she has lots of good friends to play with.
Lately she has been talking a lot about the US and all her friends, and how she cannot wait to see them all again some day.
Before the summer holiday we found out, that they at our little wonderful school will start teaching English in the 2nd grade, so that means only one year before Christine will start English. That will be so good for her.
Søren has a new passion. He bought a new mountain bike and is now riding long bikerides together with my brother and my brother's BIL. Guess they are having fun doing it. As for me, I'm still trying to loose weight by visiting the gym 3 times a week and riding my bike to work instead of taking the car. But haven't been so good at it this summer. But next Monday I'll be so ready to start again :)
Molly is getting old, and we need to make an appiontment for her to get some x-rays taken. She is not doing so good on her back legs, but there might be a cure for that. And that is what we need to do then. Hope she will stay here many more years :)

Christine in front of her newly painted playhouse.

Molly relaxing :)

Christine in the middle :) All the kids and teachers.

Christine and Iben.

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